In this example we track the smallest and biggest number in an array with it's position. The main logic behind it is first we consider the first element as small and big number in the array, then we compare it with each successive element of the array. If we found smaller or greater than the current number than we copy the number and position to the current number and position.
Source Code:
// program to find smallest & biggest no with its position for given N numbers
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
int main()
int i, n, smallest = 0, biggest = 0, smallpos = 0, bigpos = 0;
int arrNum[100]; // no of integers that can be entered
printf("Program to find Smallest & Biggest number with Position");
// prompt how many no. that can be entered
printf("Enter the total numbers:");
scanf("%d", &n);
// check for the size of array
if(n < 1 || n > 100)
printf("Error: Enter a number between 1 - 100 !");
scanf("%d", &n);
//accept input
for ( i = 0; i < n; i++)
printf("\n Enter No [%d]: ", i+1);
scanf("%d", &arrNum[i]);
// assume the position an number
smallest = biggest = arrNum[0];
smallpos = bigpos = 0; // declare pos of the small n big no.
for(i = 0; i < n; i++) // check each integer with the 1st no
//find smallest than current number
if (smallest > arrNum[i])
smallpos = i;
smallest = arrNum[i];
//find greater than current number
if (biggest < arrNum[i])
bigpos = i;
biggest = arrNum[i];
printf("\nNumber List: ");
for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
printf("%d \t", arrNum[i]);
printf("\nSmallest Number: %d \t Position: %d", smallest, smallpos+1);
printf("\nBiggest Number: %d \t Position: %d", biggest, bigpos+1);
return 0;
// program to find smallest & biggest no with its position for given N numbers
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
int main()
int i, n, smallest = 0, biggest = 0, smallpos = 0, bigpos = 0;
int arrNum[100]; // no of integers that can be entered
printf("Program to find Smallest & Biggest number with Position");
// prompt how many no. that can be entered
printf("Enter the total numbers:");
scanf("%d", &n);
// check for the size of array
if(n < 1 || n > 100)
printf("Error: Enter a number between 1 - 100 !");
scanf("%d", &n);
//accept input
for ( i = 0; i < n; i++)
printf("\n Enter No [%d]: ", i+1);
scanf("%d", &arrNum[i]);
// assume the position an number
smallest = biggest = arrNum[0];
smallpos = bigpos = 0; // declare pos of the small n big no.
for(i = 0; i < n; i++) // check each integer with the 1st no
//find smallest than current number
if (smallest > arrNum[i])
smallpos = i;
smallest = arrNum[i];
//find greater than current number
if (biggest < arrNum[i])
bigpos = i;
biggest = arrNum[i];
printf("\nNumber List: ");
for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
printf("%d \t", arrNum[i]);
printf("\nSmallest Number: %d \t Position: %d", smallest, smallpos+1);
printf("\nBiggest Number: %d \t Position: %d", biggest, bigpos+1);
return 0;
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