Steps to install XAMPP :
1. Go to and find XAMPP for Linux
2. Download Latest Version
3. Verify the downloaded package by comparing md5 checksums on your machine with md5 checksums by using the following commands:
- cd ~/Downloads
- md5sum xampp-linux-1.8.1.tar.gz
5. Start XAMPP by using following command
- /opt/lampp/lampp start
The latest version of XAMPP comes with installer package. You need to run this with proper permission. It is very handy and easier than before to install LAMP Stack on the local computer. To install LAMP with new installer follow the following steps:
1. Download the XAMPP for Linux from
2. Go to the directory that contains the downloaded file and run it
- cd ~/Downloads
- sudo ./
Initializing PHP Project
1. Create Project Directory in Home
2. Create link to project directory in the XAMPP webroot directory
- sudo ln -s ~/project-directory /opt/lampp/htdocs/
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